Monday, 29 February 2016

Need Your Help This Summer...!

As we all know, during the summer temperature hits the digit 45o Celsius. It is very easy for us to get a glass of cold water. But what about animals and birds?! The number of water points and green spaces has been decreased in the city area which turns the number of water sources for birds and animals to come down drastically. So it is not so easy for animals, and particularly for birds to get sufficient amount of water during these scorching summer days. This causes the dehydration, which result to the death.

We know that house sparrows and other birds don’t migrate even if they do not get water around their resident area. It would be a very good and a kind job to place a water bowl near your resident area, so that we could be helpful to increase the life span of birds.

Vasundhara Nature Club requests you to help the birds in summer days by keeping water bowls around your home. So they can make you happy and fresh by their sweet songs throughout the year.